

호반반 2020. 1. 29. 21:11



title : effort for busy winter vacation life

Yesterday, I set up alarm to get up quickly.

so i woke up 7:00am, and take a shower right away.

and then, i ate breakfast

breakfast is cereal but I left my cereal unattended so cereal was not delicious.

anyway, I playing piano when about 3:00 pm.

then, part of sheet music was very hard so practice long time.

I tried record and take a video from playing piano but it was still hard.

i was tired.

so I watched "math holic" channel.

after watching calculus video, I posted this to my  "hobanvan shoveling blog".


after today, i think i have to more work.

because there time when I sitting my chair is some of waste.

i hope to write more hopeful next day's diary 



