Diary 2020_02_18
title : tired day Today was strangely, I had no will I studied hard until yesterday but I cant focus to study now. maybe, I think I was coding hard yesterday so cant focus I should have a hobby in order to I regain to focus First, i need early sleep and enough eat food. I tired also body because I was hard exercise. I think I must have to enough rest
2020.02.19 -
title : come back home I traveled to Seoul and Busan. Busan is my friend house so I visited friend's house I visited Pizza store and game center and so on. And, went to Changwon next day. I watched movie in "seven star" located by Changwon. After saying goodbye, I returned to my home by bus. Yesterday, I went to Seoul to meet my relatives. I ate many kind of foods, have grandfather's memorial se..
2020.02.17 -
Diary_2020_01_30 title : i'm so tired I successed in getting up 7:00 am again today. however I lazy again today. so I thought that How I win lazy habbit. I'm tryied many kind of Acticity, The result Exercise was the best. but i don't have place to exercise in my home therefore I will go outside to exercise and insane part of music sheet was sucessed. at last, I come to next sheet music I said "i..
2020.01.31 -
Diary_2020_01_29 title : effort for busy winter vacation life Yesterday, I set up alarm to get up quickly. so i woke up 7:00am, and take a shower right away. and then, i ate breakfast breakfast is cereal but I left my cereal unattended so cereal was not delicious. anyway, I playing piano when about 3:00 pm. then, part of sheet music was very hard so practice long time. I tried record and take a ..